Patient receiving a ultrasound procedure in a hospital room.
Franklin Hospital Medical Explorers Program
Applications for 2024-2025 Program Year Now Available
Questions, contact Judy Courter at
judy.courter@franklinhospital.net or
About Franklin Hospital’s Medical Exploring Program
Franklin Hospital is the sponsor for the registered Medical Explorers Post 7028. The program is for high school and college students who are interested in Healthcare Careers. Whether you already know what occupation you would like to pursue or you have not decided on a specific career field yet, through Medical Explorers you will have opportunities to learn about many careers, participate in hands-on activities and meet healthcare professionals.
The Franklin Hospital Medical Explorers program is a 9-month program with one group meeting/event held the second Tuesday of each month, September through May at 6pm. Meetings are typically held in the conference room of Franklin Hospital unless otherwise indicated.
Student Participation

There will be a limited number of students accepted.

Applicants will be notified of acceptance the first week of September.

The cost is $50 per year. Forms are available for scholarship funding.
Click here for form.
Students are required to attend 75% of the Post meetings/events.

Students are required to complete 4 hours of volunteer time during the program duration. These hours can be at Franklin Hospital or in the community. More details will be provided at the first meeting.

Students are encouraged to participate in Franklin Hospital community events including: Health Fairs, Youth Education Events, Blood Drives, and Parades.
Medical Explorers Program Outline
Presentations and Demonstrations from the following departments:



Operating Room Nursing



Diagnostic Imaging

Specialty Providers

Therapy and Sports Rehab

Rural Health Clinics

Outside Healthcare Organizations
Activities may include:

IV prep and starting of IVs


Blood Draw

Surgery Observation

Lab Cultures


CPR Training

Hospital Support Staff

Tour of Ambulance Base

Visit with Air Ambulance Transport

Must be 14-21 Years of Age

GPA at least 3.0

Completed Registration Packet for Current Program Year
Contact Information
Program email address: judy.courter@franklinhospital.net
Program phone: 618-927-0725
Post Advisor: Judy Courter, 618-927-0725
Committee Chairperson: Allison Reider, 618-435-9602
Executive Officer: James M. Johnson, 618-435-9600
Committee Members: Kim Phelps & Jerry Vaughn