Franklin Hospital Privacy Policy 2020
Franklin Hospital District is wholly committed to treating all of our patients with respect and dignity, protecting our patient's rights while providing the best care possible.
This privacy policy explains and discloses how Franklin Hospital District may use a patient's information and how a patient may access it. Notice of privacy is available for reading upon registration or service rendered. The privacy policy is located in clear and easy-to-find areas within the hospital where patients can see it. Franklin Hospital must provide a copy to anyone who asks for one. A copy of the privacy policy is also available on the website Franklin Hospital District reserves the right to change or amend this policy at anytime.
While providing medical services, Franklin Hospital District creates a medical record for a patient. It uses this information to treat the patient and receive financial reimbursement for the services provided. This notice applies to all records of patient care at Franklin Hospital District and any medical offices, vendors with a business associate agreement (BAA) affiliated with Franklin Hospital District, and all other health care providers that provide services within Franklin Hospital District.
Why we collect Information;

To better understand the patient's needs and to provide the patient with the services that may be requested or needed.

To fulfill legitimate interests in improving our services for our patients.

To contact the patient with emails containing informative information when we have permission to do so.

To contact patients for surveys or to participate in other types of research when we have permission to do so.

To aid in improving the overall experience received at Franklin Hospital District and the online services.
Law requires us to:

To keep all medical information secured and confidential following HIPAA regulations, Federal regulations, and State law requirements.

We must provide access to the privacy notice at registration and send a reminder at least once every three years, stating that you may ask for a privacy notice at any time.

We must provide notice of our legal duties and practices concerning the medical record.

We are required to follow the terms of this notice.
How we may use and disclose a patient's information for the following purposes includes but is not limited to;
Treatment: We may use or disclose Protected Health Information (PHI) to provide treatment and to coordinate with doctors, nurses, technicians, or any medical personnel engaged in your treatment. This may also include arranging for transfer, referral, or consultation. For example, we will give information to doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and students, including information from tests you receive. We will record that information for the medical staff to use in a patient's treatment.
Payment: We may use and disclose a patient's PHI to obtain reimbursement for the health care services that have been provided. For example, we may contact a patient's health plan insurance to verify benefits for which they are eligible or to obtain prior authorization for health care services that are to be provided and give them details they need about your treatment to make sure that we may obtain reimbursement for health care service. We will also use or disclose your medical information to bill the patient directly and receive payment from third parties, such as certain family members, that could or may be responsible for payment.
Health Care Operations: We may use or disclose PHI for health care operations, such as;
1. Peer review for documentation quality and completeness
2. Risk management
3. Accreditation and or certification requirements
4. Compliance
5. Performance improvement
6. Education- PHI may be de-identified
7. Combine information data to compare services to aid in providing the best services possible for patients
Fundraising: we may use or disclose to foundations or others working with us in a fundraising capacity. A patient's contact information and dates of service will be the only type of PHI used in this manner. This is used to contact you as a part of the fundraising efforts. If you are contacted by Franklin Hospital District and wish not to be contacted, please contact the Patient Intake department at (618) 435-9730 and let them know to take you off the contacting information.
Health Services: Treatment Alternatives, Care arrangements, Health related benefits, we may disclose your medical information to be notified about related health-related products, services offered that could be beneficial to the patient, communicate in coordination of care programs.
Appointments and other Services: We may use or disclose PHI in a manner to remind a patient of upcoming appointments or to discuss treatment alternatives that may be a benefit to the patient.
Individuals Involved In Your Care/Disaster Relief Organizations: We may disclose a patient's PHI to a friend or family member who is involved in your care unless the patient requests us not to. We may disclose information to disaster relief organizations, such as the Red Cross, so that your family may be contacted about your condition and or location.
Directory Information: We may use or disclose PHI, including certain limited information about you in the hospital directory while you are a patient at the Franklin Hospital District. This information may include your name, location in the Hospital, and your general condition (fair, stable, etc.). A patient's religious affiliation may be given to a clergy member, such as a priest or rabbi, even if they do not ask for the patient by name. This will allow the patient's family, friends, and clergy to visit them in the Hospital and generally know how they are doing. There are varying degrees of sensitive PHI that are not released, even if the patient has opted in the directory. This information requires signed consent to release any information about the treatment. The patient will have the opportunity to request that your information not be listed in the directory.
With your authorization: We may use or disclose a patient's PHI for purposes not described in this notice or otherwise permitted by law. The patient may revoke any authorization at any time,
in writing, but only as to future uses or disclosures, and only where we have not already acted on the authorization.
Uses and Disclosures that may be applied without your Authorization, Consent, or an occasion to object.
As required by law, we may use or disclose PHI to the extent required and allowable by law. Some of the instances include but are not limited to;

Public health- to report births, deaths, communicable disease, injury, disability, child abuse, sexual abuse, safety of drugs and DME, or work related injury.

Health Oversight Activities- audits, criminal investigations, inspections, etc.

Food and Drug Administration-such as Adverse Events, track products, recalls.

Legal proceedings-Subpoenas, Discoveries, Administrative orders, law enforcement needs to identify or locate a fugitive, witness, victim, or emergency.

Coroners, Medical Examiner, Funeral Director- to determine the cause of death to aid in carrying out the duties.

Organ Donation- for organ procurement.

Research/National Security- to establish protocols and provide security.

Military Activity- if Command Authorities require information for eligibility of benefits.

Correctional Facility- if you are an inmate for the Health of the inmate and others.

Workman's Compensation- any information needed to comply with the Workman's Compensation laws and other legally-established programs.
Patient Health Information Rights;
All Patients have Health Information and Privacy rights within Franklin Hospital District that include, but are not limited to;

Right to request or review personal medical records- The patients have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of their medical health records, except in limited circumstances defined by federal regulations. A fee may be charged to copy the Medical health record. If you are denied access to your health record for a certain medical reason, the denial may be reviewable by a Medical professional for better explanation upon request. Please contact our Privacy Officer in the Health Information Department at (618) 435-9654 for more information.

Right to Request a Restriction on Certain Uses and Disclosures- The patient has the right to request restrictions on the uses and disclosures of your medical information for the purposes of treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. Franklin Hospital District is not required to comply with the request. However, if we do agree with the request, Franklin Hospital District will comply with your request except, to the extent that disclosure has already occurred or if the patient is in need of emergency treatment and the information is needed to provide emergency treatment.

Right to Accounting and Disclosures- the patient has right to request of a listing of all uses and disclosures of the patient medical information. This list is not required to include the disclosures that are made by Franklin Hospital District. This request needs to be made in writing, the written request needs to be sent to Health Information department of Franklin Hospital District. 201 Bailey Ln, Benton, IL, 62812.

Right to Amend Patient Medical Record- All patients have the right to object to documentation that is within the patient Medical Record, if the patient feels that the medical record is incorrect or inaccurate. This must be requested, in writing, with the date of service and type of service, and the reason for the request. This request needs to be sent to Health Information Department of Franklin hospital District, 201 Bailey Ln, Benton, IL 62812.

Right to request Confidential Communication- The patient has the right to request that confidential communications be made by alternate means (e.g. fax versus mail) or to an alternate location (alternate address or telephone number). The request must be in writing and sent to Attn: Privacy Officer, Health Information department of Franklin Hospital District, 201 Bailey Ln, Benton, IL, 62812. We must honor your request if it is reasonable.

Right to a paper copy of This Notice-Franklin Hospital District will provide the patient with a copy of the current Notice of Privacy Practices upon requesting it. A copy of the current notice in effect will be available at the registration areas of our facility and several designated patient areas of the facility. The patient has the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice upon request, even if they have agreed to accept this notice electronically. It is also available at our web site:
If you, as the patient or family member, believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a written complaint with Franklin Hospital District or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services or HHS. Generally, a complaint must be filed with HHS within 180 days after the act or omission occurred, or within 180 days of when you knew or should have known of the action or omission. To file a complaint with Franklin Hospital District, contact the Health Information Director at (618) 435-9654. You will not be denied care or discriminated against by Franklin Hospital District for filing a complaint.
Other Uses of Medical Information
Other uses and disclosures of PHI not covered by this notice or the laws and regulations that apply to the Franklin Hospital District will be made only with your written permission. If you give us permission to use or disclose medical information about you as the patient, you may revoke that permission, in writing, at any time. If you revoke your permission, we will no longer use or disclose your medical information for the reasons covered by your written authorization, but the revocation will not affect actions we have taken in reliance on your permission. You understand that we are unable to take back any disclosures we have already made with your permission, we must continue to comply with laws that require certain disclosures, and we are required to retain our records of the care that we provided to you as a patient.
If you have any questions about this notice, please contact Lorie Enders, Director of Health Information, by calling (618) 439-9654.
Changes to This Notice;
Franklin Hospital District reserves the right to change this notice. Franklin Hospital District reserves the right to make the revised or changed notice effective for medical information we already have about you as the patient as well, as for any information we may receive in the future. Franklin Hospital District will post the current notice in the designated areas of the facility.