Franklin Hospital Auxiliary
Click here to download the Continuing Education Scholarship Application
The Franklin Hospital Auxiliary works for the community by providing medical equipment and funding yearly healthcare scholarships awarded to Franklin County students. Scholarship funds are awarded in May, payable directly to the college of acceptance. Contact your high school career guidance counselor for further information about the application. If you like to help people, enjoy new challenges, and want to join one of the fastest-growing areas of the economy, consider a career in health care:
Physician Assistant
Respiratory Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Auxiliary volunteers come from all walks of life, choosing to serve for a variety of reasons:
Sharing talents
A sense of well being
Ability to help those in need
Being part of a positive group
Meeting and making new friends
A feeling of accomplishment
The Franklin Hospital Auxiliary is a volunteer organization whose mission is to provide aid and comfort to the patients of Franklin Hospital.
The Franklin Hospital Auxiliary staffs the patient information desk, serves in the Med-Surg Department, maintains the gift center, and hosts a variety of fundraisers, including:
Tree of Life
Scholarship Dinner
Health Fair
The Franklin Hospital Auxiliary was formed by a group of women shortly after the hospital opened in April 1955. Charter members were Viola Bond, Beaulah Douglas, Hundred Howell, Lillie Lewis, Naomi Lynn, Gladis Reed, Mary Taylor, Gladys Westerland, and Dorris Hart.
If you wish to become a member of our auxiliary, meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the hospital conference room. There is no meeting in July. Dues are $5 per year or $30 for a lifetime membership. To become a member, Click
Here and download an application. Auxiliary applicants may mail completed applications and the membership fee to
Franklin Hospital Auxiliary, P.O. Box 1004, Benton, IL 62812.